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Dahlia Studio

The "missing" editor for Solar2D · By Ansh3ll


Recent updates

Beta 3 update is here
Hi, it’s almost been a year since the last update…sorry about that. Hopefully, the next release will be some time this year :P Beta 3 completes the initial...
1 file
Beta 2 update is here
This update changes the following: Object hierarchy panels can be collapsed Objects in the scene can be deleted (through the right-click context menu) Objects i...
2 files
Progress update #3
Dahlia was released in early-access around 12 days ago. I’m very grateful for the positive response received so far and those of you who bought it at launch...
Why this is taking so long.
It’s funny how knowing about various development pitfalls doesn’t stop you from falling into them yourself. I’ve watched many devlogs where at least one o...
Progress update #2 and the problem with fonts
Solar2D has this quirk where fonts cannot be loaded from anywhere other than “system.ResourceDirectory”. Of all the resources Solar2D works with, only fonts...
Teeny-tiny progress update
At the time of the last devlog, dahlia only supported image files. So far, I’ve added support for: Creating animated sprites Creating interaction hotspots Loa...
Dahlia Studio Devlog 1
The story of dahlia (at least in the public eye) begins here, with the first devlog. No release has been published as of yet, because we're still quite far from...

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